Here we are at our favorite pumpkin patch. These are always the best pictures!
My oldest 2 blowing bubbles for their Uncle's wedding. The photographer was great!
Here we are at our favorite pumpkin patch. These are always the best pictures!
Home on Sunday, June 28th, time to clean the house in preparation for DQ's surgery,
Monday, June 29th, more cleaning, followed by a very sad phone call from a friend, her mother's cancer had come back and she was dying. Thank goodness Hubby was on the east side and able to stop by the hospital and say good-bye to her... Barb was a wonderful lady, she treated my daughters like they were her grandkids. She was DQ's first babysitter, the first time anyone ever watched any of our kids. We'll miss summer swims at her house and her beautiful smile.
Tuesday, June 30th, arrived at Children's Hospital at 9 am, surgery is scheduled for 10:45, wait in the waiting room until 12:30 to get called back. Surgery is done by 3:30. The 3 cm cyst in DQ's right lung turned out to be a kiwi sized lymph node!!! Of course, panic sets in as we wait for pathology results... Despite the unexpected size of the mass, DQ is out of the hospital in great spirits less than 24 hours later.
Wednesday, July 1st, home by 12:30, thanks to great friends who came to visit as we were getting discharged. Slept for a few hours...
Thursday, July 2nd, Barb passes away...
Friday, July 3rd and Saturday, July 4th, Hubby and I clean the house like it has never been cleaned before then have a bbq with more friends.
Sunday July 5th, exhaustion sets in, napped then took the kids to the park...
Monday July 6th, attended Barb's funeral where we reconnected with old friends and shed some tears. I'm ready to get off this roller coaster...
Now when you walk in, instead of seeing a toy explosion, you see my desk/buffet and my fave pics of my girls. Got those lamps for $25 for the set!!!! Gotta love clearance shopping!